Published in Genes & Development

Check out our latest paper, published today in the journal Genes & Development, and it's the cover too!

Semaphorin 3E–Plexin-D1 signaling regulates VEGF function in developmental angiogenesis via a feedback mechanism

This paper describes a novel molecular signaling cascade that regulates angiogenesis via a reciprocal interaction between VEGF and the traditional axon guidance ligand-receptor pair Semaphorin 3E-Plexin-D1.

This paper represents the collaborative efforts of Jiha and Won-Jong, and the team efforts of the whole Gu Lab. Congratulations to all!

Genes & Development

Sema3E–Plexin-D1 signaling regulates angiogenic sprouting. Shown here is a wild-type, whole-mo B4 to label blood vessels (red), after in situ hybridization to identify mRNA (blue). The restricted Sema3E–Plexin-D1 signaling to be spatiotemporally regulated, which then modulates VEGF-mediated angi Dll4–Notch pathway. (For details, see Kim et al., p1399)